Welcome to the Eclair API, this website contains documentation and code examples about how to interact with the Eclair lightning node via its API. Feel free to suggest improvements and fixes to this documentation by submitting a pull request to the repo. The API uses HTTP form data and returns JSON-encoded objects or simple strings if no objects are being returned. All errors are handled with a JSON response (more info here). All monetary values are in millisatoshi unless stated otherwise.
Eclair uses HTTP Basic authentication and expects to receive the correct header with every request.
To set an API password, use the configuration.
The rest of this document will use '21satoshi' as password which encoded as base64 results in OjIxc2F0b3NoaQ==
Authorization: Base64Encoded("":<eclair_api_password>)
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/getinfo"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli getinfo
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"version": "0.7.0-a804905",
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"alias": "ACINQ",
"color": "#49daaa",
"features": {
"activated": {
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"chainHash": "06226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f",
"network": "regtest",
"blockHeight": 2898,
"publicAddresses": [
"instanceId": "155de87c-c996-44bb-99d3-c4f01eebd250"
Returns information about this instance such as version, features, nodeId and current block height as seen by eclair.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/getinfo
Connect via URI
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F uri=<target_uri> "http://localhost:8080/connect"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli connect --uri=<target_uri>
The above command returns:
Connect to another lightning node. This will perform a connection but no channels will be opened. Note that in the URI, the port is optional, and if missing, the default port (9735) will be used.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/connect
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
uri | The URI in format 'nodeId@host:port' | No | String |
Connect manually
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeId=<node_id> -F host=<host> "http://localhost:8080/connect"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli connect --nodeId=<node_id> --host=<host>
The above command returns:
Connect to another lightning node. This will perform a connection but no channels will be opened.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/connect
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The nodeId of the node you want to connect to | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
host | The IPv4 host address of the node | No | String |
port | The port of the node (default: 9735) | Yes | Integer |
Connect via NodeId
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeId=<nodeId> "http://localhost:8080/connect"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli connect --nodeId=<nodeId>
The above command returns:
Connect to another lightning node. This will perform a connection but no channels will be opened.
This API does not require a target address. Instead, eclair will use one of the addresses published
by the remote peer in its node_announcement
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/connect
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The nodeId of the node you want to connect to | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeId=<nodeId> "http://localhost:8080/disconnect"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli disconnect --nodeId=<nodeId>
The above command returns:
Disconnect from a peer.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/disconnect
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The nodeId of the node you want to disconnect from | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeId=<node_id> -F fundingSatoshis=<funding_satoshis> fundingFeeBudgetSatoshis=<funding_fee_budget_satoshis> "http://localhost:8080/open"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli open --nodeId=<node_id> --fundingSatoshis=<funding_satoshis> --fundingFeeBudgetSatoshis=<funding_fee_budget_satoshis>
The above command returns the channelId of the newly created channel:
created channel e872f515dc5d8a3d61ccbd2127f33141eaa115807271dcc5c5c727f3eca914d3 with fundingTxId=bc2b8db55b9588d3a18bd06bd0e284f63ee8cc149c63138d51ac8ef81a72fc6f and fees=720 sat
Open a channel to another lightning node. You must specify the target nodeId and the funding satoshis for the new channel. Optionally you can send to the remote a pushMsat value and you can specify whether this should be a public or private channel (default is set in the config).
If you already have another channel to the same node, the routing fees that will be used for this new channel will be the same as your existing channel.
Otherwise the values from eclair.conf
will be used (see eclair.relay.fees
in your eclair.conf
If you want to override the routing fees that will be used, you must use the updaterelayfee
API before opening the channel.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/open
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The nodeId of the node you want to open a channel with | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
fundingSatoshis | Amount of satoshis to spend in the funding of the channel | No | Satoshis (Integer) |
fundingFeeBudgetSatoshis | Maximum fees (in satoshis) of the funding transaction | No | Satoshis (Integer) |
channelType | Channel type (standard, static_remotekey, anchor_outputs_zero_fee_htlc_tx) | Yes | String |
pushMsat | Amount of millisatoshi to unilaterally push to the counterparty | Yes | Millisatoshis (Integer) |
fundingFeerateSatByte | Feerate in sat/byte to apply to the funding transaction | Yes | Satoshis (Integer) |
announceChannel | True for public channels, false otherwise | Yes | Boolean |
openTimeoutSeconds | Timeout for the operation to complete | Yes | Seconds (Integer) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F channelId=<channel_id> -F targetFeerateSatByte=<target_feerate> fundingFeeBudgetSatoshis=<funding_fee_budget_satoshis> "http://localhost:8080/rbfopen"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli rbfopen --channelId=<channel_id> --targetFeerateSatByte=<target_feerate> --fundingFeeBudgetSatoshis=<funding_fee_budget_satoshis>
The above command returns:
Increase the fees of an unconfirmed dual-funded channel to speed up confirmation. You must specify the target channelId and the feerate that should be set for the funding transaction. A negotiation will start with your channel peer, and if they agree, your node will publish an updated funding transaction paying more fees.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/rbfopen
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
channelId | The channelId of the channel that should be RBF-ed | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
targetFeerateSatByte | Feerate in sat/byte to apply to the funding transaction | No | Satoshis (Integer) |
fundingFeeBudgetSatoshis | Maximum fees (in satoshis) of the funding transaction | No | Satoshis (Integer) |
lockTime | The nLockTime to apply to the funding transaction | Yes | Integer |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F outpoints=<unconfirmed_utxos> -F targetFeerateSatByte=<target_feerate> "http://localhost:8080/cpfpbumpfees"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli cpfpbumpfees --outpoints=<unconfirmed_utxos> --targetFeerateSatByte=<target_feerate>
The above command returns:
Increase the fees of a set of unconfirmed transactions by publishing a high-fee child transaction. The targetFeerateSatByte will be applied to the whole package containing the unconfirmed transactions and the child transaction. You must identify the set of outpoints that belong to your bitcoin wallet in the unconfirmed transactions (usually change outputs). This command returns the txid of the child transaction that was published.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/cpfpbumpfees
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
outpoints | Utxos that should be spent by the child transaction | No | CSV list of outpoints (txid:vout) |
targetFeerateSatByte | Feerate in sat/byte to apply to the unconfirmed transactions | No | Satoshis (Integer) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F channelId=<channel> "http://localhost:8080/close"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli close --channelId=<channel>
The above command returns:
"<channel>": "ok"
Initiates a cooperative close for given channels that belong to this eclair node.
The API returns once the closing_signed message has been negotiated.
The endpoint supports receiving multiple channel id(s) or short channel id(s); to close multiple channels, you can use the parameters channelIds
or shortChannelIds
If you specified a scriptPubKey
then the closing transaction will spend to that address.
You can specify a fee range for the closing transaction with the preferredFeerateSatByte
, minFeerateSatByte
and maxFeerateSatByte
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/close
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
channelId | The channelId of the channel you want to close | No | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
shortChannelId | The shortChannelId of the channel you want to close | Yes | ShortChannelId (String) |
channelIds | List of channelIds to close | Yes | CSV or JSON list of channelId |
shortChannelIds | List of shortChannelIds to close | Yes | CSV or JSON list of shortChannelId |
scriptPubKey | A serialized scriptPubKey that you want to use to close the channel | Yes | HexString (String) |
preferredFeerateSatByte | Preferred feerate (sat/byte) for the closing transaction | Yes | Satoshis (Integer) |
minFeerateSatByte | Minimum feerate (sat/byte) for the closing transaction | Yes | Satoshis (Integer) |
maxFeerateSatByte | Maximum feerate (sat/byte) for the closing transaction | Yes | Satoshis (Integer) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F channelId=<channel> "http://localhost:8080/forceclose"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli forceclose --channelId=<channel>
The above command returns:
"<channel>": "ok"
Initiates a unilateral close for given channels that belong to this eclair node.
Once the commitment has been broadcast, the API returns its transaction id.
The endpoint supports receiving multiple channel id(s) or short channel id(s); to close multiple channels, you can use the parameters channelIds
or shortChannelIds
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/forceclose
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
channelId | The channelId of the channel you want to close | No | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
shortChannelId | The shortChannelId of the channel you want to close | Yes | ShortChannelId (String) |
channelIds | List of channelIds to force-close | Yes | CSV or JSON list of channelId |
shortChannelIds | List of shortChannelIds to force-close | Yes | CSV or JSON list of shortChannelId |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F channelId=<channel> -F priority=<priority> "http://localhost:8080/bumpforceclose"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli bumpforceclose --channelId=<channel> --priority=<priority>
The above command returns:
"<channel>": "ok"
Changes the priority of the automatic fee-bumping that is applied to a closing channel.
This can be useful when you want to get your funds back faster and don't mind paying more fees for that.
The endpoint supports receiving multiple channel id(s) or short channel id(s); to close multiple channels, you can use the parameters channelIds
or shortChannelIds
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/bumpforceclose
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
channelId | The channelId of the channel you want to bump | No | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
priority | The priority for that transaction (slow, medium, fast) | No | Priority (String) |
shortChannelId | The shortChannelId of the channel you want to bump | Yes | ShortChannelId (String) |
channelIds | List of closing channelIds to bump | Yes | CSV or JSON list of channelId |
shortChannelIds | List of closing shortChannelIds to bump | Yes | CSV or JSON list of shortChannelId |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeId=<node_id> \
-F feeBaseMsat=<feebase> -F feeProportionalMillionths=<feeproportional> \
eclair-cli updaterelayfee \
--nodeId=<node_id> \
--feeBaseMsat=<feebase> \
The above command returns:
"<channelId>": "ok"
Updates the fee policy for the specified nodeId.
The endpoint supports receiving multiple node id(s); to update multiple nodes, you can use the nodeIds
parameter instead of nodeId
New updates for every channel you have with the selected node(s) will be broadcast to the network.
Note that you can call this API even without having any channel with the selected node(s).
That will ensure that when you open channels to the selected node(s), the fees you have configured will be automatically applied (instead of the default fees from your eclair.conf
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/updaterelayfee
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The nodeId of the peer you want to update | Yes (*) | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
nodeIds | The nodeIds of the peers you want to update | Yes (*) | CSV or JSON list of 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
feeBaseMsat | The new base fee to use | No | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
feeProportionalMillionths | The new proportional fee to use | No | Integer |
(*): you must specify either nodeId or nodeIds, but not both.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/peers"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli peers
The above command returns:
Returns the list of currently known peers, both connected and disconnected.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/peers
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/channels"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli channels
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
dustLimit | sats |
channelReserve | sats |
htlcMinimum | msats |
toSelfDelay | blocks |
commitTxFeerate | sats/kw |
The above command returns:
"nodeId": "02ca41676c9dfff08553528b151b1bf82031a26bb1d6f852e0f8075d33fa4ea089",
"channelId": "79ac97e88aacb9671cef9c75f9d53ef7c534a74c9f7bd65eb95a808bb6845efb",
"data": {
"commitments": {
"params": {
"channelId": "79ac97e88aacb9671cef9c75f9d53ef7c534a74c9f7bd65eb95a808bb6845efb",
"channelConfig": [
"channelFeatures": [
"localParams": {
"nodeId": "0270508d93eef07ddc0e19a0da981a273c419b2f7403a708fd0618e9a3f2e97ae2",
"fundingKeyPath": [
"dustLimit": 546,
"maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat": 300000000,
"htlcMinimum": 1,
"toSelfDelay": 120,
"maxAcceptedHtlcs": 30,
"isInitiator": true,
"initFeatures": {
"activated": {
"option_route_blinding": "optional",
"option_dual_fund": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_scid_alias": "optional",
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"remoteParams": {
"nodeId": "02ca41676c9dfff08553528b151b1bf82031a26bb1d6f852e0f8075d33fa4ea089",
"dustLimit": 546,
"maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat": 300000000,
"htlcMinimum": 1,
"toSelfDelay": 120,
"maxAcceptedHtlcs": 30,
"revocationBasepoint": "0219c9cbea7e1bc1ccdb74ea9f36740b59795532223d2fd3dfee76771bdce28c05",
"paymentBasepoint": "036b53ff80de6d3f6f46f98aab0027632648a9da321fc8935dff3c1d6babd65ff0",
"delayedPaymentBasepoint": "026946d392806333bc1c81f78fecbc9b1c62c8f2700f4e63df6f197ffd46f08fe0",
"htlcBasepoint": "034b3158f2b5d20983bd080ddaf7a42aaba43fb4d993d3b83c6a84935325edaeed",
"initFeatures": {
"activated": {
"option_route_blinding": "optional",
"option_dual_fund": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_scid_alias": "optional",
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"channelFlags": {
"announceChannel": true
"changes": {
"localChanges": {
"proposed": [],
"signed": [],
"acked": []
"remoteChanges": {
"proposed": [],
"acked": [],
"signed": []
"localNextHtlcId": 0,
"remoteNextHtlcId": 0
"active": [
"fundingTxIndex": 0,
"fundingTx": {
"outPoint": "bc2b8db55b9588d3a18bd06bd0e284f63ee8cc149c63138d51ac8ef81a72fc6f:1",
"amountSatoshis": 300000
"localFunding": {
"status": "unconfirmed",
"txid": "bc2b8db55b9588d3a18bd06bd0e284f63ee8cc149c63138d51ac8ef81a72fc6f"
"remoteFunding": {
"status": "not-locked"
"localCommit": {
"index": 0,
"spec": {
"htlcs": [],
"commitTxFeerate": 1000,
"toLocal": 300000000,
"toRemote": 0
"commitTxAndRemoteSig": {
"commitTx": {
"txid": "0a2ae74dc8b4a0237f5bace62ec598b6a8ac54248b8c1b6a2faf2bd4c3475146",
"tx": "02000000016ffc721af88eac518d13639c14cce83ef684e2d06bd08ba1d388955bb58d2bbc01000000000d884680024a0100000000000022002040a846ed0af5668f92035af69d9533090fba4ff220fdf763cb33b39c286c8b03e88c040000000000220020aa0e40851424e7770d899b0fd9200115e21ebcbbc07a700dbb8b6287b3d103e6ac09af20"
"remoteSig": "575a04b657e350d59e6bb3e97c3f43734cb8370056c754723c9ef49a672eb8780b80b716fc4a88166c4c4091f583627fe63f0dbbc6e6a3f44ef1d5f24094068a"
"htlcTxsAndRemoteSigs": []
"remoteCommit": {
"index": 0,
"spec": {
"htlcs": [],
"commitTxFeerate": 1000,
"toLocal": 0,
"toRemote": 300000000
"txid": "3a8c5e919bd8af19ee0211024603cdda754dcf232abb4fe530364e58de2f9182",
"remotePerCommitmentPoint": "02a65c872392729f53069c05933ba3f6c705d4ab8296c0704b58f96bc29b30e38f"
"inactive": [],
"remoteNextCommitInfo": "03e41546ef474c71fba0a3d1076ed11d7ef37a2dd60d320ac008fa4780ebdf4b34",
"remotePerCommitmentSecrets": null,
"originChannels": {}
"localPushAmount": 0,
"remotePushAmount": 0,
"waitingSince": 2937,
"lastChecked": 2937,
"rbfStatus": {}
Returns the list of local channels, optionally filtered by remote node.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/channels
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The remote nodeId to be used as filter for the channels | Yes | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F channelId=<channel> "http://localhost:8080/channel"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli channel --channelId=<channel>
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
dustLimit | sats |
channelReserve | sats |
htlcMinimum | msats |
toSelfDelay | blocks |
commitTxFeerate | sats/kw |
The above command returns:
"nodeId": "03165df3ac20288e65d03abd37bf81d6c083a4f0ff31134e687a04902a1199911a",
"channelId": "c0b52c3ca0cb0afe5df7f65a5a414721d4188cbba6d5e4d0439f2b4705f83348",
"state": "NORMAL",
"data": {
"type": "DATA_NORMAL",
"commitments": {
"params": {
"channelId": "c0b52c3ca0cb0afe5df7f65a5a414721d4188cbba6d5e4d0439f2b4705f83348",
"channelConfig": [
"channelFeatures": [
"localParams": {
"nodeId": "0306f3f07f330f46cb3bedb04076d42b70dfd553a7930cd2bded1b7b2a43a311f6",
"fundingKeyPath": [
"dustLimit": 546,
"maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat": 300000000,
"htlcMinimum": 1,
"toSelfDelay": 120,
"maxAcceptedHtlcs": 30,
"isInitiator": true,
"initFeatures": {
"activated": {
"option_route_blinding": "optional",
"option_dual_fund": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_scid_alias": "optional",
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"remoteParams": {
"nodeId": "03165df3ac20288e65d03abd37bf81d6c083a4f0ff31134e687a04902a1199911a",
"dustLimit": 546,
"maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat": 300000000,
"htlcMinimum": 1,
"toSelfDelay": 120,
"maxAcceptedHtlcs": 30,
"revocationBasepoint": "035010c0b4c47b93116c09782da2f769be6494465e248d27a62c0464b99d3418e6",
"paymentBasepoint": "0285d65d2f38669e62124221e378119aea2921e804c6eb6ebb16e4b75ed8e66994",
"delayedPaymentBasepoint": "03a230276c1ec93aa07a81e136af13e00337a6bb3bfe1f3a971622231cfa60d723",
"htlcBasepoint": "0234bd658d5df137772c9ebd6b3facb0ccdfe7a637b806247bde8cd274d6a2acf2",
"initFeatures": {
"activated": {
"option_route_blinding": "optional",
"option_dual_fund": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_scid_alias": "optional",
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"channelFlags": {
"announceChannel": true
"changes": {
"localChanges": {
"proposed": [],
"signed": [],
"acked": []
"remoteChanges": {
"proposed": [],
"acked": [],
"signed": []
"localNextHtlcId": 0,
"remoteNextHtlcId": 0
"active": [
"fundingTxIndex": 0,
"fundingTx": {
"outPoint": "353a02f74310b337c944a9be2447e8b5039c2c5b8bbd3cdbe4ce31a15ec748de:0",
"amountSatoshis": 300000
"localFunding": {
"status": "confirmed",
"txid": "353a02f74310b337c944a9be2447e8b5039c2c5b8bbd3cdbe4ce31a15ec748de"
"remoteFunding": {
"status": "not-locked"
"localCommit": {
"index": 0,
"spec": {
"htlcs": [],
"commitTxFeerate": 1000,
"toLocal": 300000000,
"toRemote": 0
"commitTxAndRemoteSig": {
"commitTx": {
"txid": "83d4f64bd3f7708caad602de0c372a94fcdc50f128519c9505169013215f598f",
"tx": "0200000001de48c75ea131cee4db3cbd8b5b2c9c03b5e84724bea944c937b31043f7023a350000000000c19b5c80024a01000000000000220020f926e1ccf83d80a6177b8e30724327334afc9a40bc629c05b2f0a054b53cc50be88c0400000000002200200c80e4ed598d1881a80cf32617767f3d6dcaa9267a688b9a8be4bc757373047003bc0920"
"remoteSig": "b2d74aee3a461f14b25fc7b0007de10d307531e5ca5da9a9fac33afa45167d2415095aa63d9586045ee8f2b9e9f8d0c02981323df2941c6b8e4257f1720dc164"
"htlcTxsAndRemoteSigs": []
"remoteCommit": {
"index": 0,
"spec": {
"htlcs": [],
"commitTxFeerate": 1000,
"toLocal": 0,
"toRemote": 300000000
"txid": "d02333c4afa780abd6c4309bbe74bddaebc7adcccaa1c3d0f11e759b06fe0d23",
"remotePerCommitmentPoint": "027d8c042453d906728fef52a0315673c722aae6e52dd01bc7329a89f98c699c4c"
"inactive": [],
"remoteNextCommitInfo": "0313f94b69957a896e30eef620ed79b380760a854ea2f5e8267c1adfe8c79d8cb2",
"remotePerCommitmentSecrets": null,
"originChannels": {}
"shortIds": {
"real": {
"status": "final",
"realScid": "2958x8x0"
"localAlias": "0x331e494e9dea08d",
"remoteAlias": "0xaaddf13a62aeec"
"channelAnnouncement": {
"nodeSignature1": "f1b38cb705b84cba86cbd88a86a05e648b598435507a5898bb195ae581b0167c22bb74f9efe68a9d296f6980cda9fc349e94cd84b5fbcd703e4080cdc77b61b5",
"nodeSignature2": "ef0831962a901f875384d39d0fd0470c9a96a52503f8c9a3d9a04bc8651fa1e93004923f64ca94855bce1779b4ded2b1b4f74fb1c6baf5f233ec23ddddd22e3a",
"bitcoinSignature1": "0366a7f14694815bace71ea538ff10cdfb66bca979fcce99276e42b711ba7ec8750406bf5ac196dd3c884a07e8dd03fdf3935724cc42ceb96e251b7c01193a38",
"bitcoinSignature2": "588a47fad2d9be9fe5c5ded60181592e595bae5d02a3403f495c4db45eaf2cf965d43bbed42866be9b3e153a561b9b637260e0b8cb8ddd2986a3d7eabb87231c",
"features": {
"activated": {},
"unknown": []
"chainHash": "06226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f",
"shortChannelId": "2958x8x0",
"nodeId1": "0306f3f07f330f46cb3bedb04076d42b70dfd553a7930cd2bded1b7b2a43a311f6",
"nodeId2": "03165df3ac20288e65d03abd37bf81d6c083a4f0ff31134e687a04902a1199911a",
"bitcoinKey1": "02719e30ccd9ea88a641216ec247d28b3ee9db9fe4870da59e0ae3b285efb239ab",
"bitcoinKey2": "03d4ff9a5b97ae3e5e1e8f35084c30c5d2ec32c5f40f444f96408fc1bd3334a8bd",
"tlvStream": {}
"channelUpdate": {
"signature": "89aadc5f063b88b3f0bf44f70e4e3075feda383ed5e327d6fb341048fe89720664b6f6156d06748910b976b23e6fab9a2635e4ee69fab953f61ba8579b39fb57",
"chainHash": "06226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f",
"shortChannelId": "2958x8x0",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2023-06-16T12:28:48Z",
"unix": 1686918528
"messageFlags": {
"dontForward": false
"channelFlags": {
"isEnabled": true,
"isNode1": true
"cltvExpiryDelta": 48,
"htlcMinimumMsat": 1,
"feeBaseMsat": 1000,
"feeProportionalMillionths": 200,
"htlcMaximumMsat": 300000000,
"tlvStream": {}
Returns detailed information about a local channel.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/channel
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
channelId | The channel id of the requested channel | No | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/closedchannels"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli closedchannels
The above command returns:
"nodeId": "02ca41676c9dfff08553528b151b1bf82031a26bb1d6f852e0f8075d33fa4ea089",
"channelId": "79ac97e88aacb9671cef9c75f9d53ef7c534a74c9f7bd65eb95a808bb6845efb",
"state": "CLOSED",
"data": {
"type": "DATA_CLOSING",
"commitments": {
"params": {
"channelId": "79ac97e88aacb9671cef9c75f9d53ef7c534a74c9f7bd65eb95a808bb6845efb",
"channelConfig": [
"channelFeatures": [
"localParams": {
"nodeId": "0270508d93eef07ddc0e19a0da981a273c419b2f7403a708fd0618e9a3f2e97ae2",
"fundingKeyPath": [
"dustLimit": 546,
"maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat": 300000000,
"htlcMinimum": 1,
"toSelfDelay": 120,
"maxAcceptedHtlcs": 30,
"isInitiator": true,
"initFeatures": {
"activated": {
"option_route_blinding": "optional",
"option_dual_fund": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_scid_alias": "optional",
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"remoteParams": {
"nodeId": "02ca41676c9dfff08553528b151b1bf82031a26bb1d6f852e0f8075d33fa4ea089",
"dustLimit": 546,
"maxHtlcValueInFlightMsat": 300000000,
"htlcMinimum": 1,
"toSelfDelay": 120,
"maxAcceptedHtlcs": 30,
"revocationBasepoint": "0219c9cbea7e1bc1ccdb74ea9f36740b59795532223d2fd3dfee76771bdce28c05",
"paymentBasepoint": "036b53ff80de6d3f6f46f98aab0027632648a9da321fc8935dff3c1d6babd65ff0",
"delayedPaymentBasepoint": "026946d392806333bc1c81f78fecbc9b1c62c8f2700f4e63df6f197ffd46f08fe0",
"htlcBasepoint": "034b3158f2b5d20983bd080ddaf7a42aaba43fb4d993d3b83c6a84935325edaeed",
"initFeatures": {
"activated": {
"option_route_blinding": "optional",
"option_dual_fund": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_scid_alias": "optional",
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"channelFlags": {
"announceChannel": true
"changes": {
"localChanges": {
"proposed": [],
"signed": [],
"acked": []
"remoteChanges": {
"proposed": [],
"acked": [],
"signed": []
"localNextHtlcId": 2,
"remoteNextHtlcId": 0
"active": [
"fundingTxIndex": 0,
"fundingTx": {
"outPoint": "bc2b8db55b9588d3a18bd06bd0e284f63ee8cc149c63138d51ac8ef81a72fc6f:1",
"amountSatoshis": 300000
"localFunding": {
"status": "confirmed",
"txid": "bc2b8db55b9588d3a18bd06bd0e284f63ee8cc149c63138d51ac8ef81a72fc6f"
"remoteFunding": {
"status": "not-locked"
"localCommit": {
"index": 4,
"spec": {
"htlcs": [],
"commitTxFeerate": 1000,
"toLocal": 240000000,
"toRemote": 60000000
"commitTxAndRemoteSig": {
"commitTx": {
"txid": "ef3bbdad7489c01d417ec1ecf77a3ab6d8dd59c6ddb275bd326507695485e766",
"tx": "02000000016ffc721af88eac518d13639c14cce83ef684e2d06bd08ba1d388955bb58d2bbc01000000000d884680044a010000000000002200200c7527f8ead2ff0497101ac3d02238b102d4c1a033cbf10facba728b6a1872074a0100000000000022002040a846ed0af5668f92035af69d9533090fba4ff220fdf763cb33b39c286c8b0360ea000000000000220020015c689c9027294248985fc31be6925ce63b42631363aa3d29ecfa9158f25be088a2030000000000220020c5494bec94a822f969fd83ed98ae5af352cc262d9322ad60b89272936b43551aa809af20"
"remoteSig": "c2db9908c691e2c46d450e2de524a1814987f2299edaa53b1a80865051614b683f06de9210a6bcc40710f142377aebfc84d2be23abc6647790620d413e3ff904"
"htlcTxsAndRemoteSigs": []
"remoteCommit": {
"index": 4,
"spec": {
"htlcs": [],
"commitTxFeerate": 1000,
"toLocal": 60000000,
"toRemote": 240000000
"txid": "0accbc94bcea31b50f3a7c522d19040847f3f1b9531b8824fe0fe3c7e16cf144",
"remotePerCommitmentPoint": "03234df4757baf2b01a3007a293f4dcc6cd011ef84bd0560394ba8fb4d4d7274a7"
"inactive": [],
"remoteNextCommitInfo": "0316ea351e99a58c2d615cefd11a727b68dd27f671a5498646391125a33f116a28",
"remotePerCommitmentSecrets": null,
"originChannels": {}
"waitingSince": 2947,
"finalScriptPubKey": "00145c8524cb1f43f202ca190299cee714b04ee1d945",
"mutualCloseProposed": [
"txid": "bcc0f355a34bd95114da1b6c24ff922d661b17ebbb2aa6ad9b4c9e3467a2436c",
"tx": "02000000016ffc721af88eac518d13639c14cce83ef684e2d06bd08ba1d388955bb58d2bbc0100000000ffffffff0260ea00000000000016001429650c6daa955bbdb80cf958d2ff897c05a62bf5dba70300000000001600145c8524cb1f43f202ca190299cee714b04ee1d94500000000",
"toLocalOutput": {
"index": 1,
"amount": 239579,
"publicKeyScript": "00145c8524cb1f43f202ca190299cee714b04ee1d945"
"mutualClosePublished": [
"txid": "bcc0f355a34bd95114da1b6c24ff922d661b17ebbb2aa6ad9b4c9e3467a2436c",
"tx": "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",
"toLocalOutput": {
"index": 1,
"amount": 239579,
"publicKeyScript": "00145c8524cb1f43f202ca190299cee714b04ee1d945"
"revokedCommitPublished": []
Returns the list of recently closed local channels.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/closedchannels
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The nodeId of the channel peer | Yes | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
count | Limits the number of results returned | Yes | Integer |
skip | Skip some number of results | Yes | Integer |
A set of API methods to query the network view of eclair.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/nodes"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli nodes
The above command returns:
"signature": "c466c08fa16c1810e2971de2a57ef1f9e5e13d36a224544cf0e3d621030b9e617652b88fb2024bfdc60066ca63b4f67504f154e8fee7f13bc39739b76cc4419f",
"features": {
"activated": {
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:27:19Z",
"unix": 1643718439
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"rgbColor": "#49daaa",
"alias": "alice",
"addresses": [
"tlvStream": {}
"signature": "f6cce33383fe1291fa60cfa7d9efa4a45c081396e445e9cadc825ab695aab30308a68733d27fc54a5c46b888bdddd467f30f2f5441e95c2920b3b6c54decc3a1",
"features": {
"activated": {
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:27:19Z",
"unix": 1643718439
"nodeId": "02fe677ac8cd61399d097535a3e8a51a0849e57cdbab9b34796c86f3e33568cbe2",
"rgbColor": "#49daaa",
"alias": "bob",
"addresses": [
"tlvStream": {}
Returns information about public nodes on the lightning network; this information is taken from the node_announcement network message.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/nodes
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeIds | The nodeIds of the nodes to return | Yes | CSV or JSON list of 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
liquidityProvider | If true, only returns nodes selling liquidity ads | Yes | Boolean |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeId=<some_node> "http://localhost:8080/node"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli node --nodeId=<some_node>
The above command returns:
"announcement": {
"signature": "8256ff47af066e47a6325f91a61a900e616c5cec58ca6c518d644a3d66aed9bd2c3dfdb13c56406aa89ac0bddb0c87ae68dd067c7a5a60eafe27facb0e7caeeb",
"features": {
"activated": {
"option_route_blinding": "optional",
"option_dual_fund": "optional",
"gossip_queries_ex": "optional",
"option_data_loss_protect": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory",
"option_static_remotekey": "optional",
"option_scid_alias": "optional",
"option_onion_messages": "optional",
"option_support_large_channel": "optional",
"option_anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"option_shutdown_anysegwit": "optional",
"option_channel_type": "optional",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"gossip_queries": "optional"
"unknown": []
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2023-06-15T14:30:13Z",
"unix": 1686839413
"nodeId": "02ca41676c9dfff08553528b151b1bf82031a26bb1d6f852e0f8075d33fa4ea089",
"rgbColor": "#49daaa",
"alias": "bob",
"addresses": [],
"tlvStream": {}
"activeChannels": 1,
"totalCapacity": 300000
Returns information about a specific node on the lightning network, including its node_announcement and some channel statistics.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/node
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The nodeId of the requested node | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/allchannels"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli allchannels
The above command returns:
"shortChannelId": "508856x657x0",
"a": "0206c7b60457550f512d80ecdd9fb6eb798ce7e91bf6ec08ad9c53d72e94ef620d",
"b": "02f6725f9c1c40333b67faea92fd211c183050f28df32cac3f9d69685fe9665432"
"shortChannelId": "512733x303x0",
"a": "024bd94f0425590434538fd21d4e58982f7e9cfd8f339205a73deb9c0e0341f5bd",
"b": "02eae56f155bae8a8eaab82ddc6fef04d5a79a6b0b0d7bcdd0b60d52f3015af031"
Returns non-detailed information about all public channels in the network.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/allupdates"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli allupdates
The above command returns:
"signature": "02bbe4ee3f128ba044937428680d266c71231fd02d899c446aad498ca095610133f7c2ddb68ed0d8d29961d0962651556dc08b5cb00fb56055d2b98407f4addb",
"chainHash": "06226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f",
"shortChannelId": "2899x1x1",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:27:50Z",
"unix": 1643718470
"messageFlags": {
"dontForward": false
"channelFlags": {
"isEnabled": true,
"isNode1": true
"cltvExpiryDelta": 48,
"htlcMinimumMsat": 1,
"feeBaseMsat": 5,
"feeProportionalMillionths": 150,
"htlcMaximumMsat": 450000000,
"tlvStream": {}
"signature": "1da0e7094424c0daa64fe8427e191095d14285dd9346f37d014d07d8857b53cc6bed703d22794ddbfc1945cf5bdb7566137441964e01f8facc30c17fd0dffa06",
"chainHash": "06226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f",
"shortChannelId": "2899x1x1",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:27:19Z",
"unix": 1643718439
"messageFlags": {
"dontForward": false
"channelFlags": {
"isEnabled": false,
"isNode1": false
"cltvExpiryDelta": 48,
"htlcMinimumMsat": 1,
"feeBaseMsat": 1000,
"feeProportionalMillionths": 200,
"htlcMaximumMsat": 450000000,
"tlvStream": {}
is expressed as number of blocks.
Returns detailed information about all public channels in the network; the information is mostly taken from the channel_update network messages.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/allupdates
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The nodeId of the node to be used as filter for the updates | Yes | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
Interfaces for sending and receiving payments through eclair.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F description=<some_description> \
-F amountMsat=<some_amount> "http://localhost:8080/createinvoice"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli createinvoice --description=<some_description> --amountMsat=<some_amount>
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
expiry | seconds |
amount | msats |
The above command returns:
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643718891,
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"serialized": "lnbcrt500n1pslj28tpp55kxmmddatrnmf42a55mk4wzz4ryq8tv2vwrrarj27e0hhjgpscjqdq0ydex2cmtd3jhxucsp5qu6jq5heq4lcjpj2r8gp0sd65860yzc5yw3xrwde6c4m3mlessxsmqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgqr2fy2yz4655hwql2nwkk3t9saxhj80340cxfzf7fwhweasncv77ym7wcv0p54e4kt7jpmfdavnj5urq84syh9t2t49qdgj4ra8jl40gp6ys45n",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "a58dbdb5bd58e7b4d55da5376ab842a8c803ad8a63863e8e4af65f7bc9018624",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"amount": 50000,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
Create a BOLT11 payment invoice.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/createinvoice
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
description | A description for the invoice | Yes (*) | String |
descriptionHash | Hash of the description for the invoice | Yes (*) | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
amountMsat | Amount in millisatoshi for this invoice | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
expireIn | Number of seconds that the invoice will be valid | Yes | Seconds (Integer) |
fallbackAddress | An on-chain fallback address to receive the payment | Yes | Bitcoin address (String) |
paymentPreimage | A user defined input for the generation of the paymentHash | Yes | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
privateChannelIds | List of private channels to include as routing hints | Yes | CSV or JSON list of channelId |
(*): you must specify either description or descriptionHash, but not both.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F paymentHash=<payment_hash> "http://localhost:8080/deleteinvoice"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli deleteinvoice --paymentHash=<payment_hash>
The above command returns:
deleted invoice 6f0864735283ca95eaf9c50ef77893f55ee3dd11cb90710cbbfb73f018798a68
If the invoice has already been paid, this command returns:
Cannot remove a received incoming payment
Delete an unpaid BOLT11 payment invoice.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/deleteinvoice
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
paymentHash | The payment hash of the invoice | No | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F invoice=<some_bolt11invoice> "http://localhost:8080/parseinvoice"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli parseinvoice --invoice=<some_bolt11invoice>
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
expiry | seconds |
amount | msats |
The above command returns:
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643718891,
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"serialized": "lnbcrt500n1pslj28tpp55kxmmddatrnmf42a55mk4wzz4ryq8tv2vwrrarj27e0hhjgpscjqdq0ydex2cmtd3jhxucsp5qu6jq5heq4lcjpj2r8gp0sd65860yzc5yw3xrwde6c4m3mlessxsmqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgqr2fy2yz4655hwql2nwkk3t9saxhj80340cxfzf7fwhweasncv77ym7wcv0p54e4kt7jpmfdavnj5urq84syh9t2t49qdgj4ra8jl40gp6ys45n",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "a58dbdb5bd58e7b4d55da5376ab842a8c803ad8a63863e8e4af65f7bc9018624",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"amount": 50000,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
Returns detailed information about the given invoice.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/parseinvoice
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
invoice | The invoice you want to decode | No | String |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F invoice=<some_invoice> "http://localhost:8080/payinvoice"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli payinvoice --invoice=<some_invoice>
The above command returns:
Pays a BOLT11 invoice. In case of failure, the payment will be retried up to maxAttempts
The default number of attempts is read from the configuration.
The API works in a fire-and-forget fashion where the unique identifier for this payment attempt is immediately returned to the caller.
It's possible to add an extra externalId
and this will be returned as part of the payment data.
When --blocking=true
is provided, the API will instead block until the payment completes.
It will then return full details about the payment (succeeded or failed).
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/payinvoice
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
invoice | The invoice you want to pay | No | String |
amountMsat | Amount to pay if the invoice does not have one | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
maxAttempts | Max number of retries | Yes | Integer |
maxFeeFlatSat | Fee threshold to be paid along the payment route | Yes | Satoshi (Integer) |
maxFeePct | Max percentage to be paid in fees along the payment route (ignored if below maxFeeFlatSat ) |
Yes | Integer (between 0 and 100) |
externalId | Extra payment identifier specified by the caller | Yes | String |
pathFindingExperimentName | Name of the path-finding configuration that should be used | Yes | String |
blocking | Block until the payment completes | Yes | Boolean |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F amountMsat=<amount_msat> "http://localhost:8080/createoffer"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli createoffer --amountMsat=<amount_msat>
The above command returns:
Create a BOLT12 offer, allowing recurring payments.
This offer will be active until disableoffer
is called.
All parameters are optional: when none are specified, this will create the smallest possible offer associated with your public node_id
If you specify blindedPathsFirstNodeId
, your public node id will not appear in the offer: you will instead be hidden behind a blinded path starting at the node that you have chosen.
You can configure the number and length of blinded paths used in eclair.conf
in the offers
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/createoffer
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
amountMsat | Amount that should be paid | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
issuer | Public information about the offer issuer (e.g. merchant website) | Yes | String |
description | Offer description | Yes | String |
expireInSeconds | Duration (in seconds) after which this offer automatically expires | Yes | Integer |
blindedPathsFirstNodeId | Introduction node that must be used for blinded paths to hide the node's identity | Yes | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F activeOnly=<active_only> "http://localhost:8080/listoffers"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli listoffers --activeOnly=false
The above command returns:
List BOLT12 offers.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/listoffers
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
activeOnly | If false, also includes disabled offers | Yes | Boolean |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F offer=<lnoxxx> "http://localhost:8080/disableoffer"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli disableoffer --offer=lnoxxx
Disable a BOLT12 offer, which means that future payments to this offer will be rejected.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/disableoffer
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
offer | Offer that should be disabled | No | String |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F offer=<some_offer> amountMsat=<amount_msat> "http://localhost:8080/payoffer"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli payoffer --offer=<some_offer> --amountMsat=<amount_msat>
The above command returns:
Pays a BOLT12 offer. In case of failure, the payment will be retried up to maxAttempts
The default number of attempts is read from the configuration.
The API works in a fire-and-forget fashion where the unique identifier for this payment attempt is immediately returned to the caller.
It's possible to add an extra externalId
and this will be returned as part of the payment data.
When --blocking=true
is provided, the API will instead block until the payment completes.
It will then return full details about the payment (succeeded or failed).
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/payoffer
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
offer | The Bolt12 offer you want to pay | No | String |
amountMsat | Amount to pay | No | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
quantity | Number of items to pay for, if the offer supports it | Yes | Integer |
connectDirectly | If true, directly connect to the offer's introduction node to request an invoice | Yes | Boolean |
maxAttempts | Max number of retries | Yes | Integer |
maxFeeFlatSat | Fee threshold to be paid along the payment route | Yes | Satoshi (Integer) |
maxFeePct | Max percentage to be paid in fees along the payment route (ignored if below maxFeeFlatSat ) |
Yes | Integer (between 0 and 100) |
externalId | Extra payment identifier specified by the caller | Yes | String |
pathFindingExperimentName | Name of the path-finding configuration that should be used | Yes | String |
blocking | Block until the payment completes | Yes | Boolean |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeId=<some_node> \
-F amountMsat=<amount> -F paymentHash=<some_hash> "http://localhost:8080/sendtonode"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli sendtonode --nodeId=<some_node> --amountMsat=<amount> --paymentHash=<some_hash>
The above command returns:
Sends money to a node using keysend
(spontaneous payment without a Bolt11 invoice) as specified in blip 3.
In case of failure, the payment will be retried up to maxAttempts
The default number of attempts is read from the configuration.
The API works in a fire-and-forget fashion where the unique identifier for this payment attempt is immediately returned to the caller.
It's possible to add an extra externalId
and this will be returned as part of the payment data.
Note that this feature isn't specified in the BOLTs, so it may be removed or updated in the future.
If the recipient has given you an invoice, you should instead of the payinvoice
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/sendtonode
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The recipient of this payment | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
amountMsat | Amount to pay | No | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
maxAttempts | Max number of retries | Yes | Integer |
maxFeeFlatSat | Fee threshold to be paid along the payment route | Yes | Satoshi (Integer) |
maxFeePct | Max percentage to be paid in fees along the payment route (ignored if below maxFeeFlatSat ) |
Yes | Integer (between 0 and 100) |
externalId | Extra payment identifier specified by the caller | Yes | String |
pathFindingExperimentName | Name of the path-finding configuration that should be used | Yes | String |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeIds=node1,node2 \
-F amountMsat=<amount> \
-F paymentHash=<some_hash> \
-F finalCltvExpiry=<some_value> \
-F invoice=<some_invoice> \
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F shortChannelIds=42x1x0,56x7x3 \
-F amountMsat=<amount> \
-F paymentHash=<some_hash> \
-F finalCltvExpiry=<some_value> \
-F invoice=<some_invoice> \
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli sendtoroute --nodeIds=node1,node2 --amountMsat=<amount> --paymentHash=<some_hash> --finalCltvExpiry=<some_value> --invoice=<some_invoice>
eclair-cli sendtoroute --shortChannelIds=42x1x0,56x7x3 --amountMsat=<amount> --paymentHash=<some_hash> --finalCltvExpiry=<some_value> --invoice=<some_invoice>
The above command returns:
"paymentId": "15798966-5e95-4dce-84a0-825bd2f2a8d1",
"parentId": "20b2a854-261a-4e9f-a4ca-59b381aee4bc"
Sends money to a node forcing the payment to go through the given route. The API works in a fire-and-forget fashion where the unique identifier for this payment attempt is immediately returned to the caller. The route parameter can either be a list of nodeIds that the payment will traverse or a list of shortChannelIds. If nodeIds are specified, a suitable channel will be automatically selected for each hop (note that in that case, the specified nodes need to have public channels between them).
This route can either be a json-encoded array (same as findroute output) or a comma-separated list.
It's possible to add an extra externalId
and this will be returned as part of the payment data.
This command may also be used to send multipart payments with your own splitting algorithm. Go to the wiki for details on how to do that.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/sendtoroute
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
invoice | The invoice you want to pay | No | String |
nodeIds | A list of nodeIds from source to destination of the payment | Yes (*) | List of nodeIds |
shortChannelIds | A list of shortChannelIds from source to destination of the payment | Yes (*) | List of shortChannelIds |
amountMsat | Amount to pay | No | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
paymentHash | The payment hash for this payment | No | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
finalCltvExpiry | The total CLTV expiry value for this payment | No | Integer |
maxFeeMsat | Maximum fee allowed for this payment | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
recipientAmountMsat | Total amount that the recipient should receive (if using MPP) | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
parentId | Id of the whole payment (if using MPP) | Yes | Java's UUID (String) |
externalId | Extra payment identifier specified by the caller | Yes | String |
(*): you must specify either nodeIds or shortChannelIds, but not both.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F paymentHash=<some_hash> "http://localhost:8080/getsentinfo"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli getsentinfo --paymentHash=<some_hash>
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
recipientAmount | msats |
amount | msats |
feesPaid | msats |
Possible returned status.type
- pending
- failed
- sent
The above command returns:
"id": "c7b83ae7-a8a2-4ac7-9d54-f13826eaaf06",
"parentId": "e0b98732-4ba5-4992-b1c3-5efb4084bcd3",
"paymentHash": "e170db22f72678848b90d4d10095e6863c79a39717ccdcfab18106248b93305c",
"paymentType": "Standard",
"amount": 2000000,
"recipientAmount": 5000000,
"recipientNodeId": "02fe677ac8cd61399d097535a3e8a51a0849e57cdbab9b34796c86f3e33568cbe2",
"createdAt": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.309Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"invoice": {
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643719211,
"nodeId": "02fe677ac8cd61399d097535a3e8a51a0849e57cdbab9b34796c86f3e33568cbe2",
"serialized": "lnbcrt50u1pslj23tpp5u9cdkghhyeugfzus6ngsp90xsc78nguhzlxde743syrzfzunxpwqdq809hkcmcsp5tp7xegstgfpyjyg2cqclsthwr330g9g3p0dmn0g6v9t6dn6n9s4smqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgq20s4qnk7xq0dcwjustztkx4ez0mqlmg83s5y6gk4u7ug6qk3cwuxq9ehqn4kyp580gqwp4nxwh598j40pqnlals2m0pem7f0qz0xm8qqe25z82",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "e170db22f72678848b90d4d10095e6863c79a39717ccdcfab18106248b93305c",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"amount": 5000000,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
"status": {
"type": "sent",
"paymentPreimage": "533b360e08d0d7383d0125e3510eaf5d7e36e21b847446cf64a84973800bc48c",
"feesPaid": 10,
"route": [
"nodeId": "03dfefbc942ac877655af00c4a6e9314626438e4aaba141412d825d5f2304bf0bf",
"nextNodeId": "02f5ce007d2d9ef8a72a03b8e33f63fe9384cea4e71c1de468737611ce3e68ac02",
"shortChannelId": "538x3x0"
"nodeId": "02f5ce007d2d9ef8a72a03b8e33f63fe9384cea4e71c1de468737611ce3e68ac02",
"nextNodeId": "02d150875194d076f662d4252a8dee7077ed4cc4a848bb9f83fb467b6d3c120199",
"shortChannelId": "538x2x1"
"completedAt": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"id": "83fcc569-917a-4cac-b42d-6f6b186f21eb",
"parentId": "e0b98732-4ba5-4992-b1c3-5efb4084bcd3",
"paymentHash": "e170db22f72678848b90d4d10095e6863c79a39717ccdcfab18106248b93305c",
"paymentType": "Standard",
"amount": 3000000,
"recipientAmount": 5000000,
"recipientNodeId": "02fe677ac8cd61399d097535a3e8a51a0849e57cdbab9b34796c86f3e33568cbe2",
"createdAt": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.309Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"invoice": {
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643719211,
"nodeId": "02fe677ac8cd61399d097535a3e8a51a0849e57cdbab9b34796c86f3e33568cbe2",
"serialized": "lnbcrt50u1pslj23tpp5u9cdkghhyeugfzus6ngsp90xsc78nguhzlxde743syrzfzunxpwqdq809hkcmcsp5tp7xegstgfpyjyg2cqclsthwr330g9g3p0dmn0g6v9t6dn6n9s4smqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgq20s4qnk7xq0dcwjustztkx4ez0mqlmg83s5y6gk4u7ug6qk3cwuxq9ehqn4kyp580gqwp4nxwh598j40pqnlals2m0pem7f0qz0xm8qqe25z82",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "e170db22f72678848b90d4d10095e6863c79a39717ccdcfab18106248b93305c",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"amount": 5000000,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
"status": {
"type": "sent",
"paymentPreimage": "533b360e08d0d7383d0125e3510eaf5d7e36e21b847446cf64a84973800bc48c",
"feesPaid": 15,
"route": [
"nodeId": "03dfefbc942ac877655af00c4a6e9314626438e4aaba141412d825d5f2304bf0bf",
"nextNodeId": "02f5ce007d2d9ef8a72a03b8e33f63fe9384cea4e71c1de468737611ce3e68ac02",
"shortChannelId": "538x4x1"
"nodeId": "02f5ce007d2d9ef8a72a03b8e33f63fe9384cea4e71c1de468737611ce3e68ac02",
"nextNodeId": "02d150875194d076f662d4252a8dee7077ed4cc4a848bb9f83fb467b6d3c120199",
"shortChannelId": "538x2x1"
"completedAt": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
Returns a list of attempts to send an outgoing payment.
The status field contains detailed information about the payment attempt.
If the attempt was unsuccessful the status
field contains a non empty array of detailed failures descriptions.
The API can be queried by paymentHash
OR by uuid
Note that when you provide the id
instead of the payment_hash
, eclair will only return results for this particular attempt.
For multi-part payments, the id
provided must be the parentId
, not the paymentId
of a partial payment.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/getsentinfo
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
paymentHash | The payment hash common to all payment attempts to be retrieved | No | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
id | The unique id of the payment attempt | Yes | Java's UUID (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F paymentHash=<some_hash> "http://localhost:8080/getreceivedinfo"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli getreceivedinfo --paymentHash=<some_hash>
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
expiry | seconds |
amount | msats |
Possible returned status.type
- pending
- expired
- received
The above command returns:
"invoice": {
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643719211,
"nodeId": "02fe677ac8cd61399d097535a3e8a51a0849e57cdbab9b34796c86f3e33568cbe2",
"serialized": "lnbcrt50u1pslj23tpp5u9cdkghhyeugfzus6ngsp90xsc78nguhzlxde743syrzfzunxpwqdq809hkcmcsp5tp7xegstgfpyjyg2cqclsthwr330g9g3p0dmn0g6v9t6dn6n9s4smqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgq20s4qnk7xq0dcwjustztkx4ez0mqlmg83s5y6gk4u7ug6qk3cwuxq9ehqn4kyp580gqwp4nxwh598j40pqnlals2m0pem7f0qz0xm8qqe25z82",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "e170db22f72678848b90d4d10095e6863c79a39717ccdcfab18106248b93305c",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"amount": 5000000,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
"paymentPreimage": "533b360e08d0d7383d0125e3510eaf5d7e36e21b847446cf64a84973800bc48c",
"paymentType": "Standard",
"createdAt": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:11Z",
"unix": 1643719211
"status": {
"type": "received",
"amount": 5000000,
"receivedAt": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.423Z",
"unix": 1643719219
Checks whether a payment corresponding to the given paymentHash
has been received.
It is possible to use a BOLT11 invoice as parameter instead of the paymentHash
but at least one of the two must be specified.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/getreceivedinfo
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
paymentHash | The payment hash you want to check | Yes (*) | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
invoice | The invoice containing the payment hash | Yes (*) | String |
(*): you must specify either paymentHash or invoice.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/listreceivedpayments"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli listreceivedpayments
The above command returns:
"invoice": {
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1686839336,
"nodeId": "02ca41676c9dfff08553528b151b1bf82031a26bb1d6f852e0f8075d33fa4ea089",
"serialized": "lnbcrt500u1pjgkgpgpp5qw2c953gwadm9zevstlq04ffl870tzmjdvg7c03x840xtcdkavgsdq809hkcmcsp5rvgyuy7hmtuc5ljmr645yfntrrwgyumnsp43w60xdrw9gnjprauqmqz9gxqrrsscqp79q7sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqsqqqqqysgq7pwcsn9nfrvf46nkmctqnwuj3rvt7erx4494k4sa8uawajyz39sx8jd8t8l3kq4z3w653xu9uqvsjekyu478egx7ftwwzl2m8n7nqagqm7nqs9",
"description": "yolo",
"paymentHash": "039582d228775bb28b2c82fe07d529f9fcf58b726b11ec3e263d5e65e1b6eb11",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"amount": 50000000,
"features": {
"activated": {
"trampoline_payment_prototype": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
"paymentPreimage": "f3fcdefcd38481666f624ba68ca17ad620ca8c98bbec5f0616ba11ff11d6096e",
"paymentType": "Standard",
"createdAt": {
"iso": "2023-06-15T14:28:56Z",
"unix": 1686839336
"status": {
"type": "received",
"amount": 50000000,
"receivedAt": {
"iso": "2023-06-15T14:30:32.564Z",
"unix": 1686839432
"invoice": {
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1686839569,
"nodeId": "02ca41676c9dfff08553528b151b1bf82031a26bb1d6f852e0f8075d33fa4ea089",
"serialized": "lnbcrt100u1pjgkgg3pp529amjg068drrefp02mxz8907gdnea3jqn6fss7y4zw07uswr2w6sdq809hkcmcsp5njg0whsxvzuqtp5wpzsma0jhphch7r9z45yzjjpg500dpcdqw3csmqz9gxqrrsscqp79q7sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqsqqqqqysgq629ldsmfufcerxkc562mh7dz5sr5x68zyhpxhg0qv6qfvhvv7w6yw0gtxqlyu4fw8kzrcd5etu24gy34dv276m3wmf8jfa069m3c4tqqx4dxns",
"description": "yolo",
"paymentHash": "517bb921fa3b463ca42f56cc2395fe43679ec6409e93087895139fee41c353b5",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"amount": 10000000,
"features": {
"activated": {
"trampoline_payment_prototype": "optional",
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
"paymentPreimage": "8c13992095e5ad50ed6675b5f5e87e786fed3cd39209f8ced2e67fadf6567c7b",
"paymentType": "Standard",
"createdAt": {
"iso": "2023-06-15T14:32:49Z",
"unix": 1686839569
"status": {
"type": "received",
"amount": 10000000,
"receivedAt": {
"iso": "2023-06-15T14:32:57.631Z",
"unix": 1686839577
Returns the list of payments received by your node.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/listreceivedpayments
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
from | Filters elements no older than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
to | Filters elements no younger than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
count | Limits the number of results returned | Yes | Integer |
skip | Skip some number of results | Yes | Integer |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F paymentHash=<some_hash> "http://localhost:8080/getinvoice"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli getinvoice --paymentHash=<some_hash>
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
expiry | seconds |
amount | msats |
The above command returns:
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643718891,
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"serialized": "lnbcrt500n1pslj28tpp55kxmmddatrnmf42a55mk4wzz4ryq8tv2vwrrarj27e0hhjgpscjqdq0ydex2cmtd3jhxucsp5qu6jq5heq4lcjpj2r8gp0sd65860yzc5yw3xrwde6c4m3mlessxsmqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgqr2fy2yz4655hwql2nwkk3t9saxhj80340cxfzf7fwhweasncv77ym7wcv0p54e4kt7jpmfdavnj5urq84syh9t2t49qdgj4ra8jl40gp6ys45n",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "a58dbdb5bd58e7b4d55da5376ab842a8c803ad8a63863e8e4af65f7bc9018624",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"amount": 50000,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
Queries the payment DB for a stored invoice with the given paymentHash
. If none is found, it responds HTTP 404.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/getinvoice
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
paymentHash | The payment hash of the invoice you want to retrieve | No | 32-bytes-HexString (String) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/listinvoices"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli listinvoices
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
expiry | seconds |
amount | msats |
The above command returns:
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643719798,
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"serialized": "lnbcrt1psljtrkpp5gqus3ys83p9cry4nj43ykjyvkuuhrcc5y45a6l569zwuc8pn2xxsdq0ydex2cmtd3jhxucsp543t76xycc9kpx4estwm6tjlpsht3m7d5jxe09tqnyjjux970y9lsmqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgqxwh55ncvj3hv0cypm8vafku83gayzg7qa3zlu3lua76lk53t2m3rgt4d5qa04cfdd0f407p328c9el9xvy3r6z9um90m5pjaxrrazysqfkxfa7",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "4039089207884b8192b395624b488cb73971e3142569dd7e9a289dcc1c33518d",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643719828,
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"serialized": "lnbcrt1psljty5pp5z2247c5w8cl30err7s9qx8rkejltq49mk8z6l5eqar7l43pehapsdq0ydex2cmtd3jhxucsp5hrcu5s0jftrmje4yavu580tlrq4mdmdevye8aevn6dsae4x5kejqmqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgqwus3au5085tp02cwvpjexc5rq6qjezwxwr3yecdxr525qprv5zjxa98r69kx87cegavjw9u9299yfdhnes7mp4dztttyduchudvq64cq4pyx28",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "12955f628e3e3f17e463f40a031c76ccbeb054bbb1c5afd320e8fdfac439bf43",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
Returns all the BOLT11 invoices stored.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/listinvoices
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
from | Filters elements no older than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
to | Filters elements no younger than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
count | Limits the number of results returned | Yes | Integer |
skip | Skip some number of results | Yes | Integer |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/listpendinginvoices"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli listpendinginvoices
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
expiry | seconds |
amount | msats |
The above command returns:
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643719798,
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"serialized": "lnbcrt1psljtrkpp5gqus3ys83p9cry4nj43ykjyvkuuhrcc5y45a6l569zwuc8pn2xxsdq0ydex2cmtd3jhxucsp543t76xycc9kpx4estwm6tjlpsht3m7d5jxe09tqnyjjux970y9lsmqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgqxwh55ncvj3hv0cypm8vafku83gayzg7qa3zlu3lua76lk53t2m3rgt4d5qa04cfdd0f407p328c9el9xvy3r6z9um90m5pjaxrrazysqfkxfa7",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "4039089207884b8192b395624b488cb73971e3142569dd7e9a289dcc1c33518d",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
"prefix": "lnbcrt",
"timestamp": 1643719828,
"nodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"serialized": "lnbcrt1psljty5pp5z2247c5w8cl30err7s9qx8rkejltq49mk8z6l5eqar7l43pehapsdq0ydex2cmtd3jhxucsp5hrcu5s0jftrmje4yavu580tlrq4mdmdevye8aevn6dsae4x5kejqmqz9gxqrrsscqp79qtzsqqqqqysgqwus3au5085tp02cwvpjexc5rq6qjezwxwr3yecdxr525qprv5zjxa98r69kx87cegavjw9u9299yfdhnes7mp4dztttyduchudvq64cq4pyx28",
"description": "#reckless",
"paymentHash": "12955f628e3e3f17e463f40a031c76ccbeb054bbb1c5afd320e8fdfac439bf43",
"paymentMetadata": "2a",
"expiry": 3600,
"minFinalCltvExpiry": 30,
"features": {
"activated": {
"payment_secret": "mandatory",
"basic_mpp": "optional",
"option_payment_metadata": "optional",
"var_onion_optin": "mandatory"
"unknown": []
"routingInfo": []
Returns all non-paid, non-expired BOLT11 invoices stored. The invoices can be filtered by date and are output in descending order.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/listpendinginvoices
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
from | Filters elements no older than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
to | Filters elements no younger than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
count | Limits the number of results returned | Yes | Integer |
skip | Skip some number of results | Yes | Integer |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F invoice=<some_bolt11invoice> "http://localhost:8080/findroute"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli findroute --invoice=<some_bolt11invoice>
The above command returns:
"routes": [
"amount": 5000,
"nodeIds": [
Finds a route to the node specified by the invoice.
If the invoice does not specify an amount, you must do so via the amountMsat
You can specify various formats for the route returned with the format
When using format=shortChannelId
, the above command would return:
"routes": [
"amount": 5000,
"shortChannelIds": [
When using format=full
, the above command would return the last channel_update
for each hop:
"routes": [
"amount": 5000,
"hops": [
"nodeId": "02fe677ac8cd61399d097535a3e8a51a0849e57cdbab9b34796c86f3e33568cbe2",
"nextNodeId": "028e2403fbfddb3d787843361f91adbda64c6f622921b19fb48f5766508bcadb29",
"lastUpdate": {
"signature": "dcc9daf6610ccae90470b6ac2d4d3ed65bc01e23c7b71e78654971dea099e58436eaa29e0c3971e53acd3225a837f69a33b39cc07065ca73150b41c3543eb07f",
"chainHash": "06226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f",
"shortChannelId": "2899x1x1",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"messageFlags": {
"dontForward": false
"channelFlags": {
"isEnabled": true,
"isNode1": false
"cltvExpiryDelta": 48,
"htlcMinimumMsat": 1,
"feeBaseMsat": 1000,
"feeProportionalMillionths": 200,
"htlcMaximumMsat": 450000000,
"tlvStream": {}
The formats currently supported are nodeId
, shortChannelId
and full
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/findroute
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
invoice | The invoice containing the destination | No | String |
amountMsat | The amount that should go through the route | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
ignoreNodeIds | A list of nodes to exclude from path-finding | Yes | List of nodeIds |
ignoreShortChannelIds | A list of channels to exclude from path-finding | Yes | List of shortChannelIds |
format | Format that will be used for the resulting route | Yes | String |
maxFeeMsat | Maximum fee allowed for this payment | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
includeLocalChannelCost | If true, the relay fees of local channels will be counted | Yes | Boolean |
pathFindingExperimentName | Name of the path-finding configuration that should be used | Yes | String |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F nodeId=<some_node> \
-F amountMsat=<some_amount> "http://localhost:8080/findroutetonode"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli --nodeId=<some_node> --amountMsat=<some_amount>
The above command returns:
"routes": [
"amount": 5000,
"nodeIds": [
Finds a route to the given node.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/findroutetonode
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
nodeId | The destination of the route | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
amountMsat | The amount that should go through the route | No | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
ignoreNodeIds | A list of nodes to exclude from path-finding | Yes | List of nodeIds |
ignoreShortChannelIds | A list of channels to exclude from path-finding | Yes | List of shortChannelIds |
format | Format that will be used for the resulting route | Yes | String |
maxFeeMsat | Maximum fee allowed for this payment | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
includeLocalChannelCost | If true, the relay fees of local channels will be counted | Yes | Boolean |
pathFindingExperimentName | Name of the path-finding configuration that should be used | Yes | String |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F sourceNodeId=<some_node> -F targetNodeId=<some_node> \
-F amountMsat=<some_amount> "http://localhost:8080/findroutebetweennodes"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli --sourceNodeId=<some_node> --targetNodeId=<some_node> --amountMsat=<some_amount>
The above command returns:
"routes": [
"amount": 5000,
"nodeIds": [
Finds a route between two nodes.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/findroutebetweennodes
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
sourceNodeId | The start of the route | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
targetNodeId | The destination of the route | No | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
amountMsat | The amount that should go through the route | No | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
ignoreNodeIds | A list of nodes to exclude from path-finding | Yes | List of nodeIds |
ignoreShortChannelIds | A list of channels to exclude from path-finding | Yes | List of shortChannelIds |
format | Format that will be used for the resulting route | Yes | String |
maxFeeMsat | Maximum fee allowed for this payment | Yes | Millisatoshi (Integer) |
includeLocalChannelCost | If true, the relay fees of local channels will be counted | Yes | Boolean |
pathFindingExperimentName | Name of the path-finding configuration that should be used | Yes | String |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/getnewaddress"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli getnewaddress
The above command returns:
Get a new on-chain address from the wallet. This can be used to deposit funds that will later be used
to fund channels. The API is only available with the bitcoin-core watcher type, and the resulting addresses
depend on the configured address-type in bitcoin.conf
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/getnewaddress
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F address=<bitcoin_address> \
-F amountSatoshis=<amount> -F confirmationTarget=<number_of_blocks> "http://localhost:8080/sendonchain"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli sendonchain --address=2NEDjKwa56LFcFVjPefuwkN3pyABkMrqpJn --amountSatoshis=25000 --confirmationTarget=6
The above command returns:
Send an on-chain transaction to the given address. The API is only available with the bitcoin-core watcher type. The API returns the txid of the bitcoin transaction sent.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/sendonchain
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
address | The bitcoin address of the recipient | No | Bitcoin address (String) |
amountSatoshis | The amount that should be sent | No | Satoshi (Integer) |
confirmationTarget | The confirmation target (blocks) | Yes (*) | Satoshi (Integer) |
feeRatePerByte | The feerate in sat/byte | Yes (*) | Satoshi (Integer) |
(*) You must provide either confirmationTarget
or feeRatePerByte
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/onchainbalance"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli onchainbalance
The above command returns:
"confirmed": 1304986456540,
"unconfirmed": 0
Retrieves information about the available on-chain bitcoin balance (amounts are in satoshis). Unconfirmed balance refers to incoming transactions seen in the mempool.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X -F count=<number_of_results> -F skip=<skipped_results> POST "http://localhost:8080/onchaintransactions"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli onchaintransactions --count=2 --skip=1
The units of returned fields that are not obvious from their names:
field | unit |
amount | sats |
fees | sats |
The above command returns:
"address": "2NEDjKwa56LFcFVjPefuwkN3pyABkMrqpJn",
"amount": 25000,
"fees": 0,
"blockHash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"confirmations": 0,
"txid": "d19c45509b2e39c92f2f84a6e07fab95509f5c1959e98f3085c66dc148582751",
"timestamp": 1593700112
"address": "2NEDjKwa56LFcFVjPefuwkN3pyABkMrqpJn",
"amount": 625000000,
"fees": 0,
"blockHash": "3f66e75bb70c1bc28edda9456fcf96ac68f10053020bee39f4cd45c240a1f05d",
"confirmations": 1,
"txid": "467e0f4c1fed9db56760e7bdcedb335c6b649fdaa82f51da80481a1101a98329",
"timestamp": 1593698170
Retrieves information about the latest on-chain transactions made by our Bitcoin wallet (most recent transactions first).
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/onchaintransactions
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
count | Number of transactions to return | Yes | Integer |
skip | Number of transactions to skip | No | Integer |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F content=2b03ffffff -F recipientNode=<node_id> "http://localhost:8080/sendonionmessage"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli sendonionmessage --content=2b03ffffff --recipientNode=<node_id>
When sending without a reply path, this command will return:
"sent": true
If the message cannot be sent, this command will return:
"sent": false,
"failureMessage": "<details_about_the_failure>"
When sending with a reply path, this command will return the response we received (encoded inside application-specific tlv fields):
"sent": true,
"response": {
"unknownTlvs": {
"211": "deadbeef"
If we don't receive a response, this command will return an error after a timeout:
"sent": true,
"failureMessage": "No response"
Send an onion message to a remote recipient.
There are two ways to specify that recipient:
- when you're sending to a known
, you must set it in the--recipientNode
field - when you're sending to an unknown node behind a blinded route, you must provide the blinded route in the
If you're not connected to the recipient and don't have channels with them, eclair will try connecting to them based on the best address it knows (usually from their node_announcement
If that fails, or if you don't want to expose your nodeId
by directly connecting to the recipient, you should find a route to them and specify the nodes in that route in the --intermediateNodes
You can send arbitrary data to the recipient, by providing a hex-encoded tlv stream in the --content
If you expect a response, you should provide a route from the recipient back to you in the --replyPath
Eclair will automatically create a corresponding blinded route to ensure that the recipient doesn't learn your nodeId
The API will then wait for a response (or timeout if it doesn't receive a response).
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/sendonionmessage
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
content | Message sent to the recipient (encoded as a tlv stream) | No | HexString (String) |
expectsReply | Whether a response to that message is expected | No | Boolean |
recipientNode | NodeId of the recipient, if known. | Yes (*) | 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
recipientBlindedRoute | Blinded route provided by the recipient (encoded as a tlv) | Yes (*) | HexString (String) |
intermediateNodes | Intermediates nodes to insert before the recipient | Yes | CSV or JSON list of 33-bytes-HexString (String) |
(*): you must specify either recipientNode or recipientBlindedRoute, but not both.
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F msg=aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= "http://localhost:8080/signmessage"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli signmessage --msg=$(echo -n 'hello world' | base64)
The above command returns:
"nodeId": "0334171a1d556289f583b7c138c5cb5d02d4553245d5713a62d9953f6566a6fe12",
"message": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=",
"signature": "1f9a6cc947bdb6fc14caae87be6bd76a6877d87cc83a80dec9aa8d1a23d1529fad418ce4ab5a7fb7afcfb351b317deb83d8141e68ba442f4aa4bbb534a8d27f851"
Sign a base64-encoded message with the node's private key.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/signmessage
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
msg | Base64-encoded message to sign | No | String (Base64) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST -F msg=aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= \
-F sig=1f9a6cc947bdb6fc14caae87be6bd76a6877d87cc83a80dec9aa8d1a23d1529fad418ce4ab5a7fb7afcfb351b317deb83d8141e68ba442f4aa4bbb534a8d27f851 \
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli verifymessage --msg=$(echo -n 'hello world' | base64) --sig=1f9a6cc947bdb6fc14caae87be6bd76a6877d87cc83a80dec9aa8d1a23d1529fad418ce4ab5a7fb7afcfb351b317deb83d8141e68ba442f4aa4bbb534a8d27f851
The above command returns:
"valid": true,
"publicKey": "0334171a1d556289f583b7c138c5cb5d02d4553245d5713a62d9953f6566a6fe12"
Verify a base64-encoded message signature. The public key of the signing node will be identified and returned.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/verifymessage
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
msg | Base64-encoded message to verify | No | String (Base64) |
sig | Message signature | No | String (Hex) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/audit"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli audit
The above command returns:
"sent": [
"type": "payment-sent",
"id": "562c2be9-6d46-4684-bc74-e4a99a77f4fe",
"paymentHash": "6130a990b87b745474ced86a68c162a57016a406419257c7d7362ab90e2925ec",
"paymentPreimage": "84192ee8858166740158ff321ebf5325c3097a17e7753876bd59a5a531ce276b",
"recipientAmount": 111000000,
"recipientNodeId": "02d150875194d076f662d4252a8dee7077ed4cc4a848bb9f83fb467b6d3c120199",
"parts": [
"id": "562c2be9-6d46-4684-bc74-e4a99a77f4fe",
"amount": 111000000,
"feesPaid": 12100,
"toChannelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"type": "payment-sent",
"id": "cd5666d5-7678-4458-b50b-21b363b34f5e",
"paymentHash": "931ee191eb98176b401222a17dc9269181714a6a940d057cc0b54fed101fc3cc",
"paymentPreimage": "a10d43f61016e052dfe946f24b550a37f538d033cc29999d8df10438d2618943",
"recipientAmount": 90000000,
"recipientNodeId": "02d150875194d076f662d4252a8dee7077ed4cc4a848bb9f83fb467b6d3c120199",
"parts": [
"id": "83fcc569-917a-4cac-b42d-6f6b186f21eb",
"amount": 4827118,
"feesPaid": 1482,
"toChannelId": "67a548c2677702c19533ea9644a89fa54162866a95079a768dd76a182538f53f",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"id": "84c89f34-389f-4d0a-a48a-0eed52e8bcf5",
"amount": 85172882,
"feesPaid": 9517,
"toChannelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"received": [
"type": "payment-received",
"paymentHash": "931ee191eb98176b401222a17dc9269181714a6a940d057cc0b54fed101fc3cc",
"parts": [
"amount": 4827118,
"fromChannelId": "10eeb6d8cfd8c3f6a93d22e2cd8adf5e36bdb43c53405ddc4fc17a0f7608162a",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"amount": 85172882,
"fromChannelId": "1b14940e98238a84b7a9f0429571ba8ca1a4da3ba5699a3f0082a16761f9bd6f",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"relayed": [
"type": "payment-relayed",
"amountIn": 111012100,
"amountOut": 111000000,
"paymentHash": "6130a990b87b745474ced86a68c162a57016a406419257c7d7362ab90e2925ec",
"fromChannelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"toChannelId": "10eeb6d8cfd8c3f6a93d22e2cd8adf5e36bdb43c53405ddc4fc17a0f7608162a",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"type": "payment-relayed",
"amountIn": 45005500,
"amountOut": 45000000,
"paymentHash": "c5bd76b696d75b2e548a00f14e30cd694cfb3790e095ab62303abe48f2b3a263",
"fromChannelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"toChannelId": "10eeb6d8cfd8c3f6a93d22e2cd8adf5e36bdb43c53405ddc4fc17a0f7608162a",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
Retrieves information about payments handled by this node such as: sent, received and relayed payments. All monetary values are expressed in millisatoshi.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/audit
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
from | Filters elements no older than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
to | Filters elements no younger than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
count | Limits the number of results returned | Yes | Integer |
skip | Skip some number of results | Yes | Integer |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/networkfees"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli networkfees
The above command returns:
"remoteNodeId": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
"channelId": "57d7d6eda04d80138270c49709f1eadb5ab4939e5061309ccdacdb98ce637d0e",
"txId": "0e7d63ce98dbaccd9c3061509e93b45adbeaf10997c4708213804da0edd6d757",
"fee": 3382,
"txType": "funding",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:27:18.932Z",
"unix": 1643718438
Retrieves information about on-chain fees paid during channel operations (currency values are in satoshis).
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/networkfees
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
from | Filters elements no older than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
to | Filters elements no younger than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/channelstats"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli channelstats
The above command returns:
"channelId": "1b14940e98238a84b7a9f0429571ba8ca1a4da3ba5699a3f0082a16761f9bd6f",
"direction": "IN",
"avgPaymentAmount": 0,
"paymentCount": 0,
"relayFee": 0,
"networkFee": 26400
"channelId": "1b14940e98238a84b7a9f0429571ba8ca1a4da3ba5699a3f0082a16761f9bd6f",
"direction": "OUT",
"avgPaymentAmount": 85172,
"paymentCount": 1,
"relayFee": 9,
"networkFee": 26400
"channelId": "10eeb6d8cfd8c3f6a93d22e2cd8adf5e36bdb43c53405ddc4fc17a0f7608162a",
"direction": "IN",
"avgPaymentAmount": 0,
"paymentCount": 0,
"relayFee": 0,
"networkFee": 26400
"channelId": "10eeb6d8cfd8c3f6a93d22e2cd8adf5e36bdb43c53405ddc4fc17a0f7608162a",
"direction": "OUT",
"avgPaymentAmount": 53609,
"paymentCount": 3,
"relayFee": 19,
"networkFee": 26400
Retrieves information about local channels. The information is then aggregated in order to display statistics about the routing activity of the channels. Values are in Satoshis.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/channelstats
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
from | Filters elements no older than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
to | Filters elements no younger than this unix-timestamp | Yes | Unix timestamp in seconds (Integer) |
count | Limits the number of results returned | Yes | Integer |
skip | Skip some number of results | Yes | Integer |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/usablebalances"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli usablebalances
The above command returns:
"remoteNodeId": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
"shortIds": {
"real": {
"status": "final",
"realScid": "562890x809x0"
"localAlias": "0x17537e03b55a01e",
"remoteAlias": "0xcde44c7ebd1449"
"canSend": 131219000,
"canReceive": 466000,
"isPublic": true,
"isEnabled": true
Retrieves information about the available balance of local channels, excluding channels that are disabled or empty.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/usablebalances
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/channelbalances"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli channelbalances
The above command returns:
"remoteNodeId": "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f",
"shortIds": {
"real": {
"status": "final",
"realScid": "562890x809x0"
"localAlias": "0x17537e03b55a01e",
"remoteAlias": "0xcde44c7ebd1449"
"canSend": 131219000,
"canReceive": 466000,
"isPublic": true,
"isEnabled": true
"remoteNodeId": "02865c138ddfb0e1e8c62aa8cebbed383d5b343c2d40fa22c31773a6725854154f",
"shortIds": {
"real": {
"status": "final",
"realScid": "562890x809x1"
"localAlias": "0x8676ba94f75888",
"remoteAlias": "0x317b1df704e350f"
"canSend": 0,
"canReceive": 1250000,
"isPublic": true,
"isEnabled": false
Retrieves information about the available balance of all local channels, including channels that are disabled or empty.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/channelbalances
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/globalbalance"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli globalbalance
The above command returns:
"total": 1.90442161,
"onChain": {
"confirmed": 1.89997146,
"unconfirmed": 0
"offChain": {
"waitForFundingConfirmed": 0,
"waitForChannelReady": 0,
"normal": {
"toLocal": 0.00445015,
"htlcs": 0
"shutdown": {
"toLocal": 0,
"htlcs": 0
"negotiating": 0,
"closing": {
"localCloseBalance": {
"toLocal": {},
"htlcs": {},
"htlcsUnpublished": 0
"remoteCloseBalance": {
"toLocal": {},
"htlcs": {},
"htlcsUnpublished": 0
"mutualCloseBalance": {
"toLocal": {}
"unknownCloseBalance": {
"toLocal": 0,
"htlcs": 0
"waitForPublishFutureCommitment": 0
Retrieves information about the total balance of your node, taking into account pending transactions when a channel is closing. This API can be used to regularly check that your node is not losing funds. However, it is computationally intensive, so you should not call it too often to avoid disrupting your node's operations.
All amounts are in bitcoin.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/globalbalance
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/getmasterxpub"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli getmasterxpub
The above command returns:
"xpub": "xpub6EE2N7jrues5kfjrsyFA5f7hknixqqAEKs8vyMN4QW9vDmYnChzpeBPkBYduBobbe4miQ34xHG4Jpwuq5bHXLZY1xixoGynW31ySUqqVvcU"
Returns the master BIP32 extended public key of your on-chain wallet. This is useful when eclair manages the on-chain keys instead of delegating that to Bitcoin Core.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/getmasterxpub
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
account | BIP32 account (derived from root key) | Yes | Integer |
curl -s -u :<eclair_api_password> -X POST "http://localhost:8080/getdescriptors"
# with eclair-cli
eclair-cli getdescriptors
The above command returns:
"desc": "<receive_descriptor>",
"internal": false,
"active": true,
"timestamp": 0
"desc": "<change_descriptor>",
"internal": true,
"active": true,
"timestamp": 0
Returns output script descriptors for the main and change addresses of your on-chain wallet. This is useful when eclair manages the on-chain keys instead of delegating that to Bitcoin Core.
HTTP Request
POST http://localhost:8080/getdescriptors
Parameter | Description | Optional | Type |
account | BIP32 account (derived from root key) | Yes | Integer |
This is a simple WebSocket that will output payment related events. It supports several types covering all the possible outcomes. All monetary values are expressed in millisatoshi.
Payment relayed event
"type": "payment-relayed",
"amountIn": 21,
"amountOut": 20,
"paymentHash": "6130a990b87b745474ced86a68c162a57016a406419257c7d7362ab90e2925ec",
"fromChannelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"toChannelId": "10eeb6d8cfd8c3f6a93d22e2cd8adf5e36bdb43c53405ddc4fc17a0f7608162a",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
Payment received event
"type": "payment-received",
"paymentHash": "931ee191eb98176b401222a17dc9269181714a6a940d057cc0b54fed101fc3cc",
"parts": [
"amount": 21,
"fromChannelId": "10eeb6d8cfd8c3f6a93d22e2cd8adf5e36bdb43c53405ddc4fc17a0f7608162a",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"amount": 24,
"fromChannelId": "1b14940e98238a84b7a9f0429571ba8ca1a4da3ba5699a3f0082a16761f9bd6f",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
Payment failed event
"type": "payment-failed",
"id": "487da196-a4dc-4b1e-92b4-3e5e905e9f3f",
"paymentHash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"failures": [
"failureType": "Local",
"failureMessage": "balance too low",
"failedRoute": []
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
Payment sent event
"type": "payment-sent",
"id": "562c2be9-6d46-4684-bc74-e4a99a77f4fe",
"paymentHash": "6130a990b87b745474ced86a68c162a57016a406419257c7d7362ab90e2925ec",
"paymentPreimage": "84192ee8858166740158ff321ebf5325c3097a17e7753876bd59a5a531ce276b",
"recipientAmount": 45,
"recipientNodeId": "02d150875194d076f662d4252a8dee7077ed4cc4a848bb9f83fb467b6d3c120199",
"parts": [
"id": "b8799834-8db9-460b-b754-2942f20e3500",
"amount": 21,
"feesPaid": 1,
"toChannelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
"id": "ab348eb7-b0ed-46ff-9274-28cfdbdaae8d",
"amount": 24,
"feesPaid": 3,
"toChannelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
Payment settling on-chain event
"type": "payment-settling-onchain",
"id": "487da196-a4dc-4b1e-92b4-3e5e905e9f3f",
"amount": 21,
"paymentHash": "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"timestamp": {
"iso": "2022-02-01T12:40:19.438Z",
"unix": 1643719219
Channel created event
"type": "channel-created",
"remoteNodeId": "02d150875194d076f662d4252a8dee7077ed4cc4a848bb9f83fb467b6d3c120199",
"isInitiator": true,
"temporaryChannelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"initialFeeratePerKw": 1200,
"fundingTxFeeratePerKw": 2000
Channel opened event
"type": "channel-opened",
"remoteNodeId": "02d150875194d076f662d4252a8dee7077ed4cc4a848bb9f83fb467b6d3c120199",
"channelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b"
Channel state change event
"type": "channel-state-changed",
"channelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"remoteNodeId": "02d150875194d076f662d4252a8dee7077ed4cc4a848bb9f83fb467b6d3c120199",
"previousState": "OFFLINE",
"currentState": "NORMAL"
Channel closed event
"type": "channel-closed",
"channelId": "d4eb1fac020d877c73bb75788e23fc70398d6a891bb773f7860481bdba5af04b",
"closingType": "MutualClose"
Onion message received event
"type": "onion-message-received",
"pathId": "2a254790b136e3f0c0461faf4e02f7c87117a519215512765b7e58e0c4a96098",
"unknownTlvs": {
"43": "deadbeef"
Response types
Type | Description |
payment-received | A payment has been received |
payment-relayed | A payment has been successfully relayed |
payment-sent | A payment has been successfully sent |
payment-settling-onchain | A payment wasn't fulfilled and its HTLC is being redeemed on-chain |
payment-failed | A payment failed |
channel-created | A channel opening flow has started |
channel-opened | A channel opening flow has completed |
channel-state-changed | A channel state changed (e.g. going from offline to connected) |
channel-closed | A channel has been closed |
onion-message-received | An onion message was received |
HTTP Request
GET ws://localhost:8080/ws
Example error response:
"error": "Request is missing required form field 'description'"
The Eclair API responds in a uniform way to all errors. HTTP codes are mapped to the following meaning:
Error Code | Error Name | Description |
400 | Bad Request | Your request contains malformed or missing parameters |
401 | Unauthorized | Wrong or no auth supplied |
404 | Not Found | The specified method could not be found. |
500 | Internal Server Error | We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |